Thriller %E2%80%93 A Cruel Picture

Thriller A Cruel Picture Swedish Thriller en grym film , also known as They Call Her One Eye, Hookers Revenge and Thriller is a 1973 Swedish exploitation film in the rape and revenge genre written and directed by Bo Arne Vibenius under the name Alex Fridolinski. It tells the story of a mute young woman who is being forced into heroin addiction, for which she has to work as a prostitute, and her revenge on the men responsible.

Director Bo Arne Vibenius sought to make the most commercial film ever made, as he had lost money on an earlier film, and needed to recuperate his loss. Rumors allege that the filmmakers used an actual corpse during the films eye gouging scene, which has since become controversial because of these rumors. Hardcore pornographic sequences were edited into the film to profit off of the trend of pornography in Denmark and Sweden, which was being liberalized at the time.In Daniel Ekeroths book on Swedish exploitation movies, Swedish Sensationsfilms A Clandestine History of Sex, Thrillers, and Kicker Cinema, it is revealed that the producers took out a huge life insurance policy on star Christina Lindberg, as real ammunition was used in the action sequences, and that she was asked to inject saline solution during the drug scenes. ........

Source: Wikipedia